Press Release 6/2016 Brussels, 30 November 2016
EASE compliments the European Commission on the Electricity New Market Design Package that was just released. The proposed regulation is quite comprehensive and a very good start. EASE welcomes the definition of energy storage included in the revised Electricity Directive, supporting investment certainty. It foresees technology and application evolution and does not limit energy storage to electricity-in/electricity-out; rather, it encompasses ‘power-to-x’ and thermal heat energy storage systems.
EASE calls upon EU policy makers to go further by establishing energy storage as a separate asset class, as called for by the European Parliament. Energy storage should be recognised as the 4th element of the energy system (alongside generation, transmission/distribution and consumption). This would avoid energy storage from being classified as generation or as consumption – or as both. Such a status would eliminate the unwarranted double charging (including levies and taxes) that energy storage facilities often face.
EASE welcomes the clarification on the role of distribution system operators (DSOs) and of transmission system operators (TSOs) with respect to energy storage. While by means of regulator-approved derogation, DSOs and TSOs will be able to own and operate energy storage in the absence of competitive supply.
EASE also supports the provisions which enable better reward for flexibility, provide adequate price signals and ensure the development of functioning integrated short-term markets. EASE strongly supports the creation of a level-playing field among all generation technologies and flexibility resources by removing existing market distortions.
In addition, we are encouraged that there is to be a network code on demand response, energy storage and demand curtailment rules.
We look forward to working with the EU institutions to ensure the timely adoption of an expanded market design framework, making Europe’s energy market more competitive and accessible for innovative clean energy technologies, such as energy storage.