Gerda Geerts
Heat buffer from HoCoSto is the missing link in sustainable heating and cooling. HoCoSto supplies an innovative, modular buffer construction for sustainable heat storage.
The heat buffer, a STES (seisonal thermal energy storage), is the missing link between the generation of heat by means of solar collectors and the use of sensible heat. During periods when there are insufficient hours of sunshine to directly meet the heat demand, stored heat from the buffer can be used. This makes one independent of a gas connection.
The unique thing about the buffer is that it is easy and quick to install thanks to the patented construction method. No concrete structure or reinforcement is required. This makes local and small-scale storage possible and affordable. The dimensions of the buffer are adapted to the heat demand. Solitary buildings can become self-sufficient, shared application in clusters of houses or a residential complex is extremely cost-efficient.
After covering the STES with an insulation layer and a layer of earth, the site is functional again up to a wheel load of 5 tons. This allows the location to be used as a garden, playing field or parking space. The STES acts as an external boiler and is connected to the home installation.
Residual heat from industrial processes is an alternative as a source. In a heat network, or at an ATES installation, the heat storage can be fitted as an intermediate buffer, making the total system more efficient. HoCoSto stands for hot-cold storage. In addition to being used as heat storage, the buffer can also function as cold storage. In combination with a specific heat pump, the STES is the core of a system for active cooling, passive heating.