Borg is dedicated to develop a mass produced residential underground thermal energy storage system. The storage medium is water to which phase change materials could be added. The storage ‘tank’ consist of a self-supporting EPS construction with a large waterbag inside. The chosen configuration results in a favorable quality-price-ratio. The required self-supporting structure results in substantial thickness of the outer layer which simultaneously results in substantial thermal insulation. Through a patented method the insulation will be kept free of moisture with the result that insulation values are maintained, even at high temperatures. Dealing with (ever increasing) volatile sustainable energy production requires storage of energy. If the aim is also to minimize grid loads energy storage has to be decentralized. To decouple energy supply and demand, stored energy needs to be readily useful, meaning at a temperature sufficiently high* to directly use for heating or tap water.
Borg’s team relies on broad experience within academic science, (sustainable) real estate development and investment management. The first pilot project is placed at The Green Village on Delft University premises and available for site visits. This first project has been a cooperation with TNO and Bouwgroep Dijkstra Draisma. Other pilot project are expected in 2021 with a first commercial roll out in 2022.
*contrary to for example aquifer thermal energy storage or an ice storage source.