Saving Nature’s Energy
Clean and affordable energy for everyone. That is one of the biggest challenges of our time. We know that the current use of fossil energy sources is not good for our planet. In the long run, even disastrous. The energy transition therefore begs for change. Therefore many parties have endless discussions about how things can and should be done differently. But this all takes so much time ...
We do it differently! We are accelerating the energy transition by building today's energy supply for tomorrow. Together we make the world more beautiful. More durable, cleaner and greener. By using less fossil energy sources, emitting less CO2 and to deal with natural energy sources in a smarter way.
The foundations are already there. We have windmills and solar panels. Great sources for generating clean energy. But a bit unpredictable. Because what if the sun does not shine? Or the wind does not blow so hard for a while? Would not it be nice if you could still use the clean energy that you have already stored before?
But how? With Cube, the smart iwell energy battery. With Cube everyone can meet their own energy needs through a decentralized natural energy source. The energy that this battery stores is used where and when it is needed. In this way, together we ensure a sustainable energy supply. Independent. Smart. Green.
How does it work exactly? Cube stores clean energy, such as solar or wind energy, and supplies energy when needed. In this way she delivers electricity at times when the demand is big. This is what we call peak moments. These arise, for example, when the elevator starts, when all residents go to work in the morning. Or in the evening, when everyone comes back and all lights are on. Peak moments cause a heavy load on the energy network. If you lower this peak load, it is possible to get a lower network connection. Good for the wallet, but especially good for the world. Because instead of using fossil energy, you use the natural energy that is collected in Cube. In this way, energy consumption will not only become cheaper, but also more sustainable, cleaner and independent of anonymous energy suppliers.