10 March, 2016
Today “Energy storage at the farm” was officially launched. The launch was signified by the commissioning of a large-scale energy storage system – 294 kWh – at agricultural company De Jong en Bos. The storage system captures solar energy and sells the energy at times when sales becomes lucrative. Meanwhile, the only traffic light in Odoorn indicates whether the system is trading.
Over 150 visitors were hosted by Jan Reiner the Jong while enjoying a variety of speeches and activities. Albert Jan Maat, chairman of the Dutch Federation of Agriculture and Horticulture, praised the initiative of Jan Reinier Jong. “The innovative approach of Mr Jong creates a more sustainable company and serves as flagship example of the innovative power behind the Dutch agricultural and horticultural sector,” Mr Maat commented. With over 45% of sustainable energy generated in the countryside, he hinted at the appealing prospect of energy-independent rural areas.
Following a coffee break, the floor was taken by Tjisse Stelpstra, deputy at the province of Drenthe. The province supports the initiative with a Drenthe Greendeal, which is part of the Drenthe Energy Programme. Mr Stelpstra emphasised the project is a first step towards enabling more sustainable energy in Drenthe. “There are only a few more steps to take before the people of Drenthe will be held accountable if they don’t generate solar energy,” he said with a laugh.
The project “Energy storage at the farm” is made possible by solar panel supplier GroenLeven and storage system builder ATEPS; agricultural consultancy firm Agrovent installed the potato storage computer, and IT company Jules Energy developed smart energy management software.