‘Decentralized Storage of Alternative Energy’
(Dutch : ‘Decentrale Opslag van Alternatieve Energie – DOAblE)’
The ability to store electrical energy has become a precondition to maximize the generation of renewable energy. The technology to generate the various forms of renewable energy is widely available, however, the economics for integrating storage technology in order to maximize its added value is a very complex topic. The DOAblE project offers a unique opportunity to combine the knowledge and experience of top-level industry partners and knowledge institutes to create a scientifically underpinned picture of the highest potential options for electrochemical storage of electricity.
Early 2015, Elestor formed a consortium referred to by the name ‘DOAblE’ (a creative acronym for the Dutch translation of ‘Decentralized Storage of Alternative Energy’). The consortium partners Elestor, DNV GL, Alliander and TU/e (Group: Electrical Energy Systems), have entered a cooperation, which is funded by RVO under the ‘TKI System Integration’ program, for a period of 2.5 years. The program started in March 2015.
The 4 partners all hold an own unique knowledge position in the Netherlands, having extensive experience with model-based analysis of the electricity supply, with electrochemical storage, as well as with knowledge of the interfaces between storage and electricity networks.
The main challenge of the consortium is to investigate the value creation by integrating electrochemical electricity storage in the electrical energy systems. In other words, the question to be answered is where exactly in the value chain, electrochemical storage will create maximum economic value, and how this can physically be integrated into the value chain.
The individual knowledge and expertise of each consortium partner have shown to be highly complementary, though in overall fragmented.
The resulting reports offer guidelines for developers, legislators, investors and users, who are or will be in any form involved in electricity storage technology. These guidelines will describe how to optimize the application of electrochemical storage systems and how to realize a profitable business case by combining revenue streams.